Community service is vital for propper development. This is why we partner with professional educators who volunteer thier time to support youth and adults needing and willing to benifit from free programs that we have in place to assist with accedemic studies and personal development. Make sure you exspose someone you know to these great resources in our community.

Free Reading Tutor
Tuesdays | 3-5pm
Reading tutor is available upon request. Be sure to sign up in advance or call to notify us if you will be in on Tuesday for tutoring.
Mrs. Trudy V. Lee (Educator & Counselor)
Need help with phonics or comprehension? Are you fully prepared for your SAT & ACT ? Bring your books or read with us from ours. Thanks to Mrs. Trudy's passionate dedication to give back, we are able to provide free educational assistance in reading mainly focused on phonics and comprehension for all ages. If you know someone that can use this assistance please inform them to Join us on Tuesdays and see what the buzz is about.

Free Math Tutoring
Thursdays | 5:30-6:30pm
Mr Charles Blount (Math Scholar)
Need help with your Math work? Are you fully prepared for your SAT, ACT or GED?
Bring your books and your work. Thanks to a couple of local dedicted Math scholars passionate about giving back, we are able to provide free educational assistance in mathematics for all ages, even those on a college level. If you know someone that can use this assistance please inform them to Join us on Thursdays and see what the buzz is about.