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Here are some of our clients who go above and beyond the call of duty to serve our community where its needed the most, our youth.  Here is a peek at who these great leaders are, what they do and how their actions radiate throughout the community. These leaders leave an impression that builds unity in the community.

Sir Markadoo

A Bold New Movement For Financial Improvement

Economic Evangelist & Branding and Marketing Specialist:

Sir Markadoo Haggins, aka "Sir," is the founder of Heavenly Body Products and Strong Young Minds of America Foundation.  Sir provides great strategies on all aspects of selling and distributing in any economy, including branding, marketing, psychology, simplicity and duplication with products, services, and fundraising methods.

Trudie V. Lee
Flawless Cuts Barbershop
Reading Tutor
Tuesdays 4pm-5pm

A big believer in "Helping God's People Prosper," Sir supports entrepreneurship and like-minded men, women and children in helping the youth and young adults and active seniors with their journey to succeed in life, within their brands and businesses.  Sir is an inspirational speaker and holds certifications and award for sales, management, and team building strategies. 

Since the age of 10, Sir started selling, distributing products and mastering “The 5 Principles To International Marketing,”  his grassroots economic program that he teaches to help anyone who is interested in becoming an entrepreneur or taking their business to the next level.  He has spent 48 years as an entrepreneur, which taught him the importance of helping the community with start-up businesses.  He has created his legacy by teaching his children to own, manage, and to continue to teach the next generation and beyond how to become independent, responsible, community business leaders.  Sir thrives off the fact that he and others will help the Strong Young Minds of America gain their personal and financial freedom through our speaking tours reaching the masses.  Sir's varied background in branding and marketing provides the perfect foundation for legacy building in creating new business owners every day. 



Trudie V. Lee is a teacher & social worker who has twenty-seven years of experience working with elementry and high school youth.  Her passion is encouraging people to strive for thier full potential academically in the areas of study involving, creative writting, phonics and reading comprehension.  This is exemplified by her dedication each and every week on Tuesday's after school in providing free reading instruction here at Flawless Cuts in Conyers.  We are blessed, proud and thankful to have such a precious jewl like her on our team voluntering her time for the betterment of the community.  

Jerry F.Hutchins Į

Cory Pitts  is an Author, publisher, blogger, and social media manager. Cory grew up in Atlanta, GA  As a kid he had always dreamed of being a writer. At the tender age of 14 he read the 48 Laws of Power and The Art of War. Fascinated by strategy, he began writing his own book. Before becoming an author, Cory worked several jobs including a landscaper, caregiver, salesman, customer service, mail clerk, and an extra for Tyler perry studios. One day while sitting in traffic he came up with a book about strategy and ideas which became the Aha Moment: The Guide to creating A Game changer.

A native of Lithonia, Georgia, Pastor Jerry F. Hutchins has been a servant of the Lord since the young age of 13. His first Pastorate was in 1984, when he was called to the headship of St. Galilee Baptist Church in Sparta, GA, where he served as Pastor for 3 years. In 1987, He was called to Pastor the Timothy Baptist Church in Athens, Georgia where he served for 24 years as Senior Pastor. In August 2011, Bishop transitioned to the full office of Bishop of Timothy Baptist Church and named his successor, Tracy Boles, as Senior Pastor of Timothy Baptist Church. 


Tommy Conley
Cory Pits
Boye and Mike

Tommy Conley head of the youth ministry at Berean Christian church. 

The Youth Ministry is an extension of the area of Education. This ministry is designed to impact the mental, physical, social, and spiritual lives of youth in grades 6th-12th.


Trudi V. Lee
Outstanding Speaker
Triumph Awards
Big Mark

DJ Mike of Hip Hop Gives Back, Boye of BA Designs stop to build for a moment with Lewis at the shop after thier haircut.  Future Legacy Building. 

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